
介绍:Diary of a Waffling English Teacher ——一个高中英语老师,用ta教学生活中时不时蹦出来的古怪念头,跟你聊聊英语学习那点事。 嗨,你好。这里是一个新来乍到的高中英语老师的教学生活日记。在从学习者到教学者的转换中,我常常会感到“什么??原来老师这么教是这个意思??”——诸如此类的时刻,会让我以全(古)新(怪)的视角看待英语学习,不那么学生、又不那么老师。 顺便,说不定你还能在我碎(很)碎(好)念(懂)的语言里练到听力。 如果我的节目有幸在茫茫人海中被你听到,欢迎留言你的想法!They are much appreciated. ------【以下是英文版】【爱看不看】-------- Hi there! I’m a novice English teacher at a senior high. Being a newcomer, I wonder at many happenings in my teaching life. And I actually cherish those “Oh my, why is that???” moments, for it sometimes gives you brand new perspectives on things in English learning that is usually taken for granted. And that is what I’m sharing with you : ) Hopefully, you also get to practice your English listening by listening to my waffling, which, as the nature of “waffling” suggests, is easy language! 【微信公众号:一个非典型英语老师的碎碎念】
Diary of a Waffling English Teacher ——一个高中英语老师,用ta教学生活中时不时蹦出来的古怪念头,跟你聊聊英语学习那点事。 嗨,你好。这里是一个新来乍到的高中英语老师的教学生活日记。在从学习者到教学者的转换中,我常常会感到“什么??原来老师这么教是这个意思??”——诸如此类的时刻,会让我以全(古)新(怪)的视角看待英语学习,不那么学生、又不那么老师。 顺便,说不定你还能在我碎(很)碎(好)念(懂)的语言里练到听力。 如果我的节目有幸在茫茫人海中被你听到,欢迎留言你的想法!They are much appreciated. ------【以下是英文版】【爱看不看】-------- Hi there! I’m a novice English teacher at a senior high. Being a newcomer, I wonder at many happenings in my teaching life. And I actually cherish those “Oh my, why is that???” moments, for it sometimes gives you brand new perspectives on things in English learning that is usually taken for granted. And that is what I’m sharing with you : ) Hopefully, you also get to practice your English listening by listening to my waffling, which, as the nature of “waffling” suggests, is easy language! 【微信公众号:一个非典型英语老师的碎碎念】